Dear EST members
The EST Congress 2019 in Stellenbosch was a great success, with over
200 participants, 4 stimulating keynotes, and very interesting papers.
At the General Meeting, the winner of the Young Scholar Prize was
announced (congratulations to Nina Reviers!) as well as the other
finalists (Claudine Borg, Anne Ketola, Katarzyna Stachowiak, Raluca
Tanasescu, and Chuan Yu).
The venue for the EST Congress 2022 was also presented: the Department
of Literature, Area Studies and European Languages at the University
of Oslo (UiO) and the Department of International Studies and
Interpreting (IST) at Oslo Metropolitan University (OsloMet) will
co-host the Congress in Oslo, which is provisionally scheduled to take
place mid-August.
Finally, the new Board was confirmed after a manual audit of the
electronic voting results: Arnt Jakobsen (President), Luc van
Doorslaer (Vice-president), Isabelle Robert (Treasurer), Maureen
Ehrensberger-Dow (Secretary General), ?ucja Biel, Ilse Feinauer,
Kyriaki Kourouni, Elisabet Tiselius, and Kristina Solum (Congress 2022
More details will be available in the upcoming EST Newsletter.
Best regards
Maureen Ehrensberger-Dow
Secretary General, European Society for Translation Studies